Homeowners, please read and understand your Deed Restrictions and Bylaws.
Ponderosa Forest is a beautiful community, and we are glad you found a home here. Living within a deed-restricted neighborhood is excellent for maintaining property values. However, it can be confusing if a homeowner is unaware of the obligations to the community and other residents.
Read and comply with the community's governing documents and architectural guidelines. You should have received a document package well before closing on your home. If you didn't, check the association's website or ask the manager for copies. Be sure you understand what is included in them, particularly the rules about your home's exterior maintenance, architectural guidelines, and when you must pay association assessments.
Provide current contact information to the association manager. Ensure the manager knows how to reach you to notify you of association meetings and other important events. Many items are now sent electronically!
Maintain your property according to established standards. The community's appearance can add value to all the homes, including yours, so keeping landscaping neatly groomed and your home's exterior well-maintained is essential.
Treat association leaders honestly and respectfully. Board members are homeowners like you who have volunteered to give their time and energy freely to govern the community. While you should share your concerns about the community with them, do so in a constructive, informative, and helpful way.
Attend board meetings and vote in community elections. Board meetings are open to all who wish to sit and keep up with issues under discussion. The association is a democracy; your voice and vote can affect essential matters. The East and West sides hold officer elections at their meetings in September.
Pay association assessments and other obligations on time. Regular assessments pay for common-area maintenance, amenities, and other shared expenses. If you do not pay on time, the burden of paying your portion of the association's bills, like water, electricity, security patrol, and common area landscaping, falls on your neighbors. Contact the community manager to discuss alternative payment arrangements if you have problems. Annual Assessment statements are sent out every year in November for the coming year. Payments due January 1 are considered delinquent after January 31.
Ensure tenants, visiting relatives, and friends adhere to the rules and regulations. If you are leasing your home, you're liable for maintaining the home's condition and for the behavior of those living there. Make sure to familiarize tenants with the community's rules.
Thank you,
Jordan Terry, CMCA, AMS
Community Manager for Ponderosa Forest Maintenance Association and Ponderosa Forest Community Improvement Association.
Jordan Terry, CMCA, AMS
Community Manager
Office phone number: 281 537 0957
Address: 6630 Cypresswood Drive Suite 100
Spring, TX 77379
East-Side HOA Meetings
When: Third Tuesday of the month.
Where: Ponderosa Fire Department. 17061 Rolling Creek Dr., Houston, TX 77090
Time: 7 PM
East-Side Water Board meetings
Harris County WCID #91-East
Ponderosa Forest Utility District
When: Second Tuesday of the month.
Where: 17127 Rolling Creek Dr. Houston TX 77090
Time: 7 PM
West-Side HOA Meetings
When: Second Wednesday of the month.
Where: Anvil Meeting Center, 77090
Time: 7 PM
Meeting locations are also found on the Facebook group page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/ponderosaforestcommunity/
Canyon Creek Park
Located at 17919 Canyon Creek Road 77090 sponsored by the east-side Homeowners Association, HOA community. Park open dawn to dusk. Rental is first come first served.
Anvil Meeting Center Rental Contract
EMAIL: klbeckman@aol.com
Best Trash
Phone: 281-313-2378
Report Street Light Outage:
-Get the number off the pole (6-digit vertical number).
-Get the address or cross streets of where the pole light is located.
-All of Ponderosa's streetlights begin with 322xxxxxx or 748xxxxxx.
-Go online to report the outage.
Houston SPCA -https://houstonspca.org/
Environmental Crimes Unit
Phone: 832 927 6161
Homeless Outreach Team H.O.T.- 911- https://www.houstoncit.org/hot/
Public Health > Report an Issue (harriscountytx.gov)
Veterans Administration (VA)
Phone: 713 794 8700
Crisis Hotline for Military Veterans. Phone: 800 273 8255
The Council on Substance Use Recovery. Phone 713 942 4100
Substance Use Houston Recovery Center. Phone 713 236 7800
Mental Health America.
Phone: 713 523 8963
Mobile Crisis Outreach Team.
Phone: 713 970 7520
Alzheimer's Association of Houston. Phone: 800 272 3900
National Alliance on Mental Illness. Phone: 713 970 4419
Sexual Assault. Phone: 713 528 7273
Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Phone: 800 273 8255
Teen Crisis Hotline.
Phone: 713 529 8336
Domestic Violence Hotline. Phone: 713 528 2121
Coalition for The Homeless. Phone: 713 739 7514
Northwest Assistance Ministries (NAM). Phone: 281 885 4555
Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD. Phone: 713 970 7070
Council on Alcohol and Drugs of Houston. Phone: 713 942 4100
17919 Canyon Creek Rd, 77090
Canyon Creek Park is a testament to the power of community spirit and collaboration. Nestled in the heart of Ponderosa, this park stands as a beacon of local pride, where the East-Side HOA and its dedicated residents have joined forces to create a serene oasis for families to gather, children to play, and nature to flourish.
As we look forward to the enhancements planned for the park, including new signage and sanitation stations, it's vital to remember each person's role in preserving this shared space's beauty and cleanliness. By respecting the guidelines, such as proper trash disposal and keeping dogs on leashes, everyone contributes to the park's longevity and ensures it remains a delightful haven for future generations.
Let's cherish and protect our Canyon Creek Park, a place where nature meets community, and memories are made every day.
The Ponderosa Forest Community Facebook group has events listed with additional information.
Upcoming Event(s) 2025-
Easter Egg Hunt, Spring Fling, and Car Show Combined! April 12th, 2025 10 AM- 3 PM. Scan QR Code for more information or go to https://www.facebook.com/share/g/1BQynhFF2b/
Ponderosa Fall Festival and Car Show at Canyon Creek Park- October , 2025 10 AM - 3 PM. Car Show, Vendors, Exhibitors, and Children's Activities.
Santa At The Fire Station located at the Ponderosa Fire Station #61. December 2025, 1 PM - 3 PM. Join the fun as the celebration starts with a Santa Parade around the neighborhood at 11:00 AM, then back to the Fire Station at 17061 Rolling Creek Dr., Houston, TX 77090 to see Santa. Meet the firefighters of the Ponderosa Fire Department as well as Mrs. Clause
Authors and Artist
Lyn Jenkins, Author, Artist;
Email: lynjenkinsart@gmail.com
Lyn Jenkins - Children's Books, Story Books; Episodes | Cypress Creek; Lyn Jenkins - Official Website; Vendor at Ponderosa Fall and Spring festivals.
Subscriptions, Books, Elijah Ease Salve, Lavender Lemonade & More... Vendo at Ponderosa Fall and Spring festivals.
Grooming Services
Dog Wash On Wheels
Dusty Ducros
Please call for Dog Grooming by appointment only
281-827-7153 Call or Text
A resident of Ponderosa and ready to meet your realty needs.
Nathalie Wendy, Realtor
Phone: 832 889 2667
A resident of Ponderosa, ready to help with your realty needs. Buying or relocation. I'm here to help.
As we reflect on 2024, it's incredible to see the dedication and hard work of the Ponderosa Fire Department. They responded to a total of 3,527 incidents, including:
1. Fire Incidents (1,023 calls):
- These are situations where a fire has occurred or there's a threat of fire. This could include house fires, wildfires, vehicle fires, and more.
2. EMS Incidents (1,670 calls):
- EMS stands for Emergency Medical Services. These calls involve medical emergencies where firefighters provide first aid, CPR, or other medical assistance.
3. Fire Alarms (834 calls):
- These calls are triggered by fire alarm systems. It could be a false alarm, a system malfunction, or an actual fire threat that needs to be investigated. The Ponderosa Fire Department is actively working to reduce the number of false fire alarms by educating the community on proper alarm maintenance and usage.
Our calls are steadily increasing every year, reflecting the growing needs of our community. This increase in calls highlights the importance of community awareness and preparedness. By working together and staying informed, we can help reduce emergencies and ensure a safer environment for everyone. Let's continue to support our firefighters and make safety a priority in our daily lives.
What is a Contract Constable?- by Theresa Harris, 2024.
The Contract Deputy Program works under the philosophy of community-oriented policing, where the same deputies work the area and become familiar with the residents. The Deputies are aware of residents' patterns and situations that are out of the ordinary so deputies can respond accordingly.
The Contract Deputy Program is open to subdivisions, groups of subdivisions, or municipal districts that contract with the agency to provide one or more deputies for patrol assignments to a particular area for law enforcement services.
The Contract Deputy Program provides high visibility, which helps in reducing crimes in the area. The Contract Deputy Program is known for rapid response to calls for service since the deputies are assigned specifically to an area.
The Contract Deputy Program is a way for neighborhoods and subdivisions that need additional patrol services to supplement existing law enforcement services. Besides regular patrol duties and traffic enforcement, the Contract Deputy Program provides vacation and special watches for residents who may be out of town or have a particular problem that needs to be addressed. These watches are sent to the deputies so they are aware the residents are not home and can make periodic checks on residences while homeowners are away.
The contract deputy works in conjunction with a security coordinator/director, who is usually a board member of the subdivision and acts as a liaison between the County and the contract. The security coordinator and the Deputy work together by sharing information to help determine the needs of the contract.
Harris County oversees the Contract Deputy Program. Contracts are based on coverage options of 70, 80, or 100% coverage, with the cost of the program split between Harris County and the contracting entity. For example, if a contractor chooses a 70/30 contract, the contract will pay 70%, while Harris County will pick up the remaining 30% balance. The Deputy will spend 70% of their daily time assigned to the contract, with the remainder spent as needed for operations and routing duties such as reports and paperwork.
Contract deputies also work to bring National Night Out to their respective neighborhoods or utility districts.
Links to the Texas Property Codes:
These codes form your residential Homeowners Association in Ponderosa Forest Subdivision.
Timeline for how personal property owner concerns are addressed. Never ignore a letter from Chaparral Management Company.
1. Courtesy Letter
2. First Formal Notice
3. 209 Certified Notice
4. Hearing Panel
5. Decision
Due Process is the official or formal way of doing things by established rules. It guarantees the principle of fairness will be applied.
Official notice of the alleged violation includes:
A non-threatening, fact-finding appeals forum leads to issues being resolved most of the time. Texas Code 209
The Harris County, Flood Control District, is a special-purpose district created by the Texas Legislature in 1937 and governed by the Harris County Commissioners Court. It was built in response to devastating floods that struck the region in 1929 and 1935.
The Flood Control District's jurisdictional boundaries are set to coincide with Harris County, a community of more than 4.7 million people (2020 census) that includes the City of Houston. The other boundaries in which we operate – those provided by nature – are the 23 primary watersheds within Harris County's 1,777 square miles. Each watershed has itsown independent flooding problems. Each watershed presents unique challenges. Read more about the watersheds and Cypress Creek here, https://www.hcfcd.org/About/Flooding-and-Floodplains/Drainage-Network/Harris-Countys-Watershedshttps://www.harriscountyfws.org/
and flood warning system, https://www.harriscountyfws.org/.
Yes! Ponderosa Forest Subdivision has a waterway. It is called Cypress Creek!
This creek is located at the back of the subdivision and is not a dumping area for yard debris or household construction.
If you notice or see anyone illegally dumping debris, please contact the Environmental Crimes Unit at 832 927 6161. https://www.constablepct4.com/environmental-crimes-unit.html
Constable Mark Herman created the Environmental Crimes U (ECU) in 2017 to combat the illegal dumping of trash, tires, liquids, and other solid waste in north Harris County. The ECU works closely with several different partners, including area Constable Offices, the Harris County Sheriff's Office,
Texas Parks and Wildlife, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Houston-Galveston Area Council.
If you know of an illegal dumping incident or an illegal dumping site, please report it.
Don't Mess With Texas
Please report anyone you see throwing trash on our neighborhood roadways.
On October 25, 2021, after the most contentious Texas legislative session in memory, the Safe Outdoor Dogs Act was signed into law. THLN never wavered during the six-year quest to pass this legislation, even when it was targeted by an extremist lawmaker and unexpectedly vetoed.
Texas dogs and their communities deserve a common-sense, balanced policy governing the restraint of dogs outdoors. The Safe Outdoor Dogs Act, which went into effect January 18, 2022, achieves that by:
Arguably the most significant change brought by the Safe Outdoor Dogs Act is removing the 24-hour warning period that allowed bad actors to flout the law. Officers can take immediate action for tethered dogs in distress from now on.
A Brand New Day for Texas Outdoor Dogs - Texas Humane Network (thln.org)
Ponderosa Forest Maintenance Association, created in 1967, promotes the common good and general welfare of the homeowners and community while providing neighborhood event opportunities. Ponderosa Forest is heavily wooded and well-maintained. Houses are sited on generous lots with mature native pine trees and oaks. During the initial stages of land development, trees were protected and houses were "carved" into the forested lots. Ponderosa Forest is a master-planned community.
Rolling Creek Drive, Houston, Texas 77090, United States
Email: residentspfc@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ponderosaforestcommunity
Ponderosa Forest Subdivision, 77090
Management Company -SBB Community Management
6630 Cypresswood Dr., Unit 100
Spring, TX., 77379
281 537 0957
Jordan Terry, CMCA, AMS - Manager